
Returning to the WonderTruck

Adventuring rule #14: Call in reinforcements when needed.
     Normally my dad fixes everything automotive for me. He makes sure there is enough gas in the car, that we have directions, and that I get oil changes and my tires rotated. This is the abbreviated list. He does this on one hand because the WonderTruck belongs to him and also because its driver is his youngest child.  Either by his example or because he took care of it himself, I have never locked keys in a car.

     I think part of it is that life moves more slowly when I spend time with my parents. Words and responses are more carefully considered. There isn't a rush. As infuriating as this is when we're trying to get to a movie or I am on deadline, it offers a less messy view of life. Tasks get done and promises are kept. It's a great safety net but it can get me into bad habits. At a certain point I am so used to my dad taking care of me and all the loose ends of our lives that I don't do it for myself.

     This is precisely what happened last Thursday night. I picked up my  not so tall friend Allison and a bag of toffee brownies from her house and headed to M section, home of Justin, Jeremy and Nathan. We pulled into the driveway and I tore my keys out of the ignition, tossing it into my bag. Or at least I thought I did.


saving me from myself

Adventuring rule #13: Don't think about it too much. Just live. 

     There are some phrases that circle over and over in my mind.

     "You are not good enough," is the most common. The rest all stem from that idea of inadequacy. I am not prepared. I am not ready. I am not enough for this life. But here I am, in it anyway.

     They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. But what if God wasn't paying attention? Or what if he doesn't exist and life just sucks?

At the Red House

Adventuring rule # 12: When offered alcohol, take the alcohol. 

     Deep breath. Exhale. It's time.

     The rumors have flown about for weeks. I, Sara Jane, attended a death metal concert.

     I was invited by a friend, who knew some guys who were playing one Friday in Walnut Creek. I've blocked out the name of the venue. And the band. And the name of my friend's boyfriend who came with us. I should say the boyfriend and his liberty spikes Mohawk. Together they took up the entire right side of the car for the ninety minute drive.

     What I do remember is this. We arrived and a man with piercings was selling discount tickets outside before the show began. There was a bar offering beer and snacks inside, which I should have partaken of. Really, the whole night would have been improved with a little alcohol. 


The best three units I've ever taken

Adventuring rule #11: Challenges lead to rewards.

     I drove up to the intersection and waited in the turn lane at a red light. A flurry of honking and yelling from behind my truck drew my attention. I turned to see a student waving at me with his car door open, a folder full of papers in his hands.

     "Sara! I forgot to turn in my portfolio!" The student leaped from his seat, leaving the car parked in the multiple lane road.  I reached the passenger side of the cab to hurriedly roll down my window, but the student had already opened the door. He tried to stuff his papers more securely into the folder while placing the whole mess in the box on my seat. I tore the portfolio from his hands and stared incredulously at his boldness.

     "Get back in your car! Just leave the folder. Go!" I hollered at him, laughing. He smiled really big, said thanks, and jumped back into his Honda without breaking a sweat.